Thursday 3 November 2016

Tulu Lesson 38: should/must + have + Past Participle

namaskAra! Welcome back!

Today we are going to learn how to translate “should/must + have + Past Participle” in Tulu. This form is used to express something that should have been done, but that we didn't do it, or advice about the past, or regretting what we did or didn't do. Please review the previous lesson Past Subjunctive Mood – “would/wouldhave” and Potential mood (must, should, need, can, may) before we proceed.

Look at the following examples:

You should have gone

He should have told me

She should have asked me

So you know how to translate ‘should’ or ‘must’ in Tulu. We have to add the suffix ‘oDu’ to the root verb.


pO (pOpini) – To go

pO + oDu = pOvoDu – should go
In Tulu, we have the following structure for “should/must + have + Past Participle”

Past Adverbial Participle (Perfect) + oDu

pOd + oDu = pOtoDu (d’ is pronounced as ‘t’, if it is a Class A verb) – should/must have gone

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Tulu: I pOtoDu
English: You should have gone
Kannada: nInu hOgbEkittu

paN (paNpini) – To tell/say

pand + oDu = pantoDu (Class A verb) – should/must have told

Tulu: Aye eNDa pantoDu
English: He should have told me
Kannada: avanu nannalli hELbEkittu

kEN (kENuni) – To ask/hear/listen

kEnd + oDu = kEndoDu – should/must have asked

Tulu: Al eNDa kEndoDu
English: She should have asked me
Kannada: avaLu nannalli kELbEkittu

More examples:

malpu (malpuni) – To do/make

malt’d + oDu = malt’doDu – should/must have done

bar (barpini) – To come

batt’d + oDu = batt’doDu or baidoDu – should/must have come

leppu (leppuni) – To call

lett’d + oDu = lett’doDu or leidoDu – should/must have called

uN (uNpini) – To eat/have lunch or dinner

und + oDu = untoDu (Class A verb) – should/must have eaten lunch/dinner

telipu (telipuni) – To smile/laugh

telit’d + oDu = telit’doDu – should/must have smiled

uppu/ippu (uppuni/ippuni) – To be

itt’d + oDu = itt’doDu – should/must have been

A (Apini) – To become

Ad + oDu = AtoDu – should/must have become

Negative forms:

In Tulu we do not have negative forms for “should/must + have + Past Participle”, instead we use negative potential mood (should not/must not) and add third person neuter simple past tense of the auxiliary verb ‘uppuni’ (To be) at the end:

Negative potential mood + itt’ND


He should not have gone

Let’s translate “He should not go” to Tulu first.

Aye pOyeraeballi - He should not go (necessity or permission)

Aye pOpinaboDchi – He should not go (suggestion)

Now add “itt’ND” (Third person neuter simple past tense of the auxiliary verb ‘uppuni’) at the end.

Aye pOyeraeballi + itt’ND = Aye pOyeraeballitt’ND - He should not have gone (regretting)

Aye pOpinaboDchi + itt’ND = Aye pOpinaboDchitt’ND - He should not have gone (advice)

One more example:

You should not have eaten

I tiNyeraeballi – You should not eat (necessity)
I tiNpinaboDchi – You should not eat (suggestion)

I tiNyeraeballitt’ND - You should not have eaten (regretting)
I tiNpinaboDchitt’ND - You should not have eaten (advice)

Example Sentences:

Tulu: I enan leidoDu
English: You should have called me
Kannada: nInu nannannu karIbEkittu

Tulu: Ir ennoTTu baidoDu
English: You should have come with me
Kannada: nIvu nannoTTige barbEkittu

Tulu: Ir ennoTTu barraeballitt’ND
English: You should not have come with me
Kannada: nIvu nannoTTige barabAradittu

Tulu: yAn kANDae bEga lakk’doDu
English: I should have got up early in the morning.
Kannada: nAnu beLagge bEga eddELbEkittu

Tulu: Aye eNDa pantoDu
English: He should have told me
Kannada: avanu nanalli hELbEkittu

Tulu: nikulu kANDae muTa kAt’doDu
English: You should have waited until morning
Kannada: nIvu beLaggina varegU kAyabEkittu

Tulu: yAn AyeDa ancha pAteryeraeballitt’ND
English: I shouldn't have spoken to him like that.
Kannada: nAnu avanige hAge mAtADabAradittu

Tulu: yAn tulu kalt’doDu
English: I should have learned Tulu
Kannada: nAnu tuLu kalibEkittu

Tulu: Ir mUlu itt’doDu
English: You should have been here
Kannada: nIvu illi irabEkittu

Tulu: I eNDa sullu paNDraeballitt’ND
English: You shouldn’t have lied to me.
Kannada: nInu nannalli suLLu hELabAradittu

Tulu: Ar Doctor AtoDu
English: He should have become a Doctor
Kannada: avaru Doctor AgabEkittu

Tulu: Ir vantae bEga baidoDu
English: You should have come little earlier
Kannada: nIvu svalpa bEga barbEkittu

In English, we can also use ‘should have + Past Participle’ to guess about events that may have happened.

Example: He should have reached Bangalore by now. (We are not certain whether he reached Bangalore or not)

In Tulu we have slightly different form to guess about events that may have happened. The auxiliary verb ‘uppu’ (uppuni – To be) is used with potential mood suffix ‘oDu’.

Past Adverbial Participle (Perfect) + uppu + oDu

pO (pOpini) – To go

pOd + uppu + oDu = pOduppoDu – should have gone  (guessing)

bar (barpini) – To come

batt’d + upp + oDu = batt’duppoDu - should have come (guessing)


Tulu: Aye ittae benglUr ett’duppoDu
English: He should have reached Bangalore by now.
Kannada: avanu Iga bengLuru talapirabEku

Tulu: akulu ini kANDae pOduppoDu
English: They should have gone this morning.
Kannada: avaru indu belagge hOgirabEku

Tulu: Ar It portugu jett’duppoDu
English: He/She must have slept by now.
Kannada: avaru ishTu hottige malagirabEku

Tulu: I bElen Iye malt'duppoDu, bEtae Erla att.
English: You only must have done this work, no one else.
Kannada: I kelasavannu nIne mADirabEku, bEre yArU alla. 

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If you need more sentences translated in Tulu, please leave a comment. If you find this lesson helpful, please share it with your friends who wish to learn Tulu J

See you next week!



  1. Could you please translate ...

    ನಾನು ಮಾಡಬೇಕಿತ್ತು
    ನಾನು ಮಾಡಿರಬೇಕಿತ್ತು

  2. Please translate

    I should do
    I shouldn't do
    I shouldn't have done

    1. yAn malpoDu
      yAn malperae balli
      yAn malperae ballitt'ND

  3. It would have been great, if it is with audio.
