Friday 27 May 2016

Tulu Lesson 18: Uses of Adverbial Participles (Verbal Adverbs)

namaskAra! Welcome back!

Today we are going to learn something new, i.e.Verbals. Verbals are forms of verb which is used as another part of speech like nouns, adjectives or adverbs in a sentence.

Following are the types of Verbals in Tulu:

  • Adverbial Participles or Verbal Adverbs (Present, Past Perfect and Negative)
  • Adjectival Participles or Verbal Adjectives (Present, Simple Past, Past Perfect and Negative)
  • Gerunds (Present, Simple Past, Past Perfect and Negative)
  • Verbal Nouns
  • Infinitives 
 Let us look into only Adverbial Participles today. Next week we will cover Adjectival Participles, Gerunds and Infinitives.

Adverbial Participles are mainly used as adverbs. There are three forms; Present, Past Perfect and Negative.

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Present Adverbial Participles:  suffix ‘ondu’


maltondu – doing (Kannada: mADtA)
pOvondu – going ( Kannada: hOgtA)
ittondu – being (Kannada: iruttA)
tiNondu – eating (Kannada: tinnuttA)

We have already learned this form in Present Continuous tense. This form is used to express the mode how an action is done.

Tulu: Aye baltondu batte
English: He came running
Kannada: avanu ODtA banda

Tulu: akulu pAterondu bElae maltonduller
English: They are speaking and working.
Kannada: avaru mAtannADtA kelasa mADtiddAre

Tulu: Al teltondu pOyal
English: avaLu nagtA hOdaLu
Kannada: She went smiling

Tulu: sudae paratondu kaDal sEruNDu
English: River flows and joins the sea. 
Kannada: nadi haritA samudra sErtade.

Tulu: mange maroDdu maroku lAgyondu pONDu.
English: The monkey went jumping from tree to tree.
Kannada: manga maradinda marakke jigitA hOytu.  

Past Adverbial Participles (Perfect): suffix ‘d’


malt’d – having done (Kannada: mADi)
itt’d – having been (Kannada: iddu)
pOdu – having gone (Kannada: hOgi)
tiND’d or tind – having eaten (Kannada: tindu) 

Note: “tiND’d” also pronounced as “tind” in common Tulu and so all verbs ending in ‘N’.  E.g. kEND’d >> kEnd, uND’d >> undu, paND’d >> pand

We have already learned this form in Present Perfect tense. This form is used to express actions in sequence.

Tulu: Aye uND’d (undu) jette
English: He had lunch/dinner and slept. (Having had dinner/lunch, he slept)
Kannada: avanu UTa mADi malagida

Tulu: Aye kANdae enma gaNTeg lakk’d, mId, chA pard sAleg pOye
English: He got up at 8 O’clock, took bath, had tea and went to school. 
Kannda: avanu beLagge eNTu gaNTege eddu, snAna mADi, chaha kuDidu shAlege hOda

Tulu: yAn AyeDa paND’d (pand) barpae
English: I will tell him and come (Having told him, I will come)
Kannada: nAnu avanige hELi bartEne

Tulu: enkulu pOdu barpa
English: We will go and come. (Having gone, we will come)
Kannada: nAvu hOgi bartEve

Tulu: Ayena bElae mugit’d illaDe pOye
English: Having finished his work, he went home.
Kannada: avana kelasa mugisi manage hOda

To express the reason or cause of actions:

Tulu: barsa batt’d yAn chaNDi Ayae
English: It rained and so I got wet.
Kannada: maLe bandu odde Ade

Tulu: balt’d balt’d enk bachch’ND
English: I am tired from running
Kannada: ODi ODi nanage sustAytu

Tulu: ninan tUdu enk kushi AND
English: I am happy seeing you
Kannada: ninnanu nODi kushi Aytu

To express time:

Tulu: Aye pOdu onji varsha AND
English: It’s been one year since he went
Kannada: avanu hOgi ondu vasha Aytu.

Tulu: ninan tUdu mast samaya AND
English: It’s been a long time since I saw you
Kannada: ninnannu nODi tumbA samayavAytu

Negative Adverbial Participles: suffix ‘andae’


malpu + andae >>> malpandae - having not done (Kannada: mADade)
pOvandae – having not gone (Kannada: hOgade)
tiNandae – having not eaten (Kannada: tinnade)
uppandae – having not been (Kannada: irade)
ijjandae (or dAntae) – having not been (Kannada: illade)

Generally this form gives the meaning of ‘without’.

Tulu: satya paNandae bEtae sAdi ijji
English: Without telling the truth there is no other way
Kannada: satya hELade bEre dAri illa

Tulu: I dAntae (ijjandae) yAn bad’kayae
Englsih: Without you I can’t live
Kannada: nInu illade nAnu badukenu

Tulu: Aye eNDa paNandae pOye
English: He went without informing (telling) me
Kannda: avanu nanage hELade hOda

Tulu: Aye uNandae jette
English: Without having lunch/dinner, he slept
Kannada: avanu UTa mADade malagida

To express the reason or cause of actions:

Tulu: imbe Odandae parIksheD fail Aye
English: He failed in the exam by not reading
Kannada: ivanu Odade parIksheyalli fail Ada

Tulu: yAn teriyandae tappu maltae
English: I did a mistake unknowingly
Kannada: nAnu tiLiyade tappu mADide

To express time:

Tulu: akulu barandae onji varsha AND
English: It’s been one year since they came
Kannada: avaru barade ondu varsha Aytu

Tulu: ninan tUvande mast samaya AND
English: It’s been a long time since I saw you
Kannada: ninnannu nODade tumbA samayavAytu

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If you need more sentences translated in Tulu, please leave a comment. If you find this lesson helpful, please share it with your friends who wish to learn Tulu J

See you next week!


Friday 20 May 2016

Tulu Lesson 17: Negative and Interrogative in Present Continuous Tense

Hello All! Welcome back!

Today we are going to learn negative and interrogative form of sentences in Present Continuous Tense.

We already know Present Continuous Tense in Tulu.

E.g: yAn bareyondullae (bareyondu + ullae) – I am writing

All we need to do is just replace the verb ‘ul’ with ‘ijji’ to make our sentences negative in present continuous tense.

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yAn ijjae – I am not
I ijja – You are not
Aye/imbe ijje – He is not
Al/mOlu  ijjal – She is not
au/undu  ijji – It is not
nama/enkulu  ijja – We are not
Ir/nikulu  ijjar – You are not
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr ijjer – They are not
undekulu/aikulu ijja – They are not

I am not writing >> yAn bareyondu ijjae (Kannada: nAnu bareyuttilla)

yAn bareyondijjae – I am not writing
I bareyondijja – You are not writing
Aye/imbe bareyondijje – He is not writing
Al/mOlu  bareyondijjal – She is not writing
au/undu  bareyondijji – It is not writing
nama/enkulu  bareyondijja – We are not writing
Ir/nikulu  bareyondijjar – You are not writing
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr bareyondijjer – They are not writing
undekulu/aikulu bareyondijja – They are not writing

Let’s see more examples:

pAter (pAteruni) – To speak/talk

yAn pAterondijjae – I am not speaking
I pAterondijja – You are not speaking
Aye/imbe pAterondijje – He is not speaking
Al/mOlu  pAterondijjal – She is not speaking
au/undu  pAterondijji – It is not speaking
nama/enkulu  pAterondijja – We are not speaking
Ir/nikulu  pAterondijjar – You are not speaking
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr pAterondijjer – They are not speaking
undekulu/aikulu pAterondijja – They are not speaking

 pO (pOpini) – To go

yAn pOvondijjae – I am not going
I pOvondijja – You are not going
Aye/imbe pOvondijje – He is not going
Al/mOlu  pOvondijjal – She is not going
au/undu  pOvondijji – It is not going
nama/enkulu  pOvondijja – We are not going
Ir/nikulu  pOvondijjar – You are not going
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr pOvondijjer – They are not going
undekulu/aikulu pOvondijja – They are not going

naDapu (naDapuni) – To walk

yAn naDatondijjae – I am not walking
I naDatondijja – You are not walking
Aye/imbe naDatondijje – He is not walking
Al/mOlu  naDatondijjal – She is not walking
au/undu  naDatondijji – It is not walking
nama/enkulu  naDatondijja – We are not walking
Ir/nikulu  naDatondijjar – You are not walking
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr naDatondijjer – They are not walking
undekulu/aikulu naDatondijja – They are not walking

tOju (tOjuni) - To be seen/be visible

yAn tOjondijjae – I am not visible
I tOjondijja – You are not visible
Aye/imbe tOjondijje – He is not visible
Al/mOlu  tOjondijjal – She is not visible
au/undu  tOjondijji – It is not visible
nama/enkulu  tOjondijja – We are not visible
Ir/nikulu  tOjondijjar – You are not visible
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr tOjondijjer – They are not visible
undekulu/aikulu tOjondijja – They are not visible

Example Sentences:

Tulu: yAn illaDe pOvondijjae
English: I am not going home
Kannda: nAnu manege hOgtilla

Tulu: I satya paNondijja
Englis: You are not saying the truth
Kannada: nInu satya hELtilla

Tulu: Aye jettondijje
English: He is not sleeping
Kannada: avanu malagtilla

Tulu: Al tulu kaltondijjal
English: She is not learning Tulu
Kannada: avaLu tulu kalitilla

Tulu: barsa barondijji
English: It is not raining
Kannada: maLe bartilla

Tulu: jOkulu bultondijja
English: The babies are not crying
Kannada: makkaLu aLutilla

Tulu: AkAshoDu pakkilu rAvondijja
English: Birds are not flying in the sky.
Kannada: AkAshadalli hakkigaLu hArtilla

Tulu: enkulu iren kAtondijja
English: We are not waiting for you
Kannada: nAvu nimannu kAytilla

Tulu: nikulu bAkil dettondijjar
English: You are not opening the door
Kannada: nIvu bAgilu tereyuttilla

Tulu: ittae enk dAla tOjondijji
English: Now, I can’t see anything
Kannada: Iga nanage EnU kANutilla

In Tulu Present Continuous tense is also used for Present Perfect Continuous.


Tulu: Aye onji varshoDdinchi eNDa pAterondijje
English: He has not been speaking with me for one year.
Kannada: avanu ondu varshadinda nannondige mAtADtilla

Tulu: mUji dinaDdinchi barsa barondijji
English: It has not been raining for 3 days
Kannada: mUru dinadinda maLe bartilla.

Interrogative form of sentences in Present Continuous Tense:

We have to add  ‘a’ or ‘na’ at the end to make interrogative form of sentences in Tulu. When speaking with elders/strangers with respect, you can add ‘e’ or ‘ne’ instead of ‘a’ or ‘na’ at the end.

Tulu: yAn barondullena?
English: Am I coming?
Kannada: nAnu bartiddEna?

Tulu: nama sAleg pOvondullana?
English: Are we going to school?
Kannada: nAvu shAlege hOgtiddEva?

Tulu: I ittae Odondijjana?
English: Aren’t you reading now?
Kannada: nInu Iga Oduttilva?

Tulu: Ir ittae uNondijjare?
English: Aren’t you having lunch now?
Kannada: nIvu Iga UTa mADtilva?

Tulu: nikulu bElae maltondijjara?
English: Aren’t you working?
Kannada: nIvu kelasa mADtilva?

Tulu: Aye niNDa dAla paNondullena?
English: Is he telling you anything?
Kannada: avanu ninnalli EnAdarU hELtiddAna?

Tulu: Al teltondullala?
English: Is she smiling?
Kannada: avaLu nagtiddALa?

Tulu: nAyi koretonduNDa?
English: Is the dog barking?
Kannada: nAyi bogaLuttideya?

Tulu: puchchae pEr parondijja?
English: Isn’t the cat drinking milk?
Kannada: bekku hAlu kuDitilva?

Tulu: akulu enan lettondijjera?
Kannada: avaru nannannu karitilva?
English: Aren’t they calling me?

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Alright! If you need more sentences translated in Tulu, please leave a comment. If you find this lesson helpful, please share it with your friends who wish to learn Tulu J

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Friday 13 May 2016

Tulu Lesson 16: Present Continuous Tense

Hello All! Welcome back!

Today we are going to learn one more tense in Tulu. This tense is Present Continuous Tense. Look at the following example:

‘I am going’

As you see, we use ‘To be’ plus the ‘ing’ form of verbs to express Present Continuous in English. That is to say, we have Subject + am/is/are + main verb + ing.

In Tulu, the sentence structure would be Subject + main verb + am/is/are

We already know the auxiliary verb ‘to be’ in Tulu - ‘ippu/uppu’ (Infinitive: ippuni/uppuni – To be). There are two forms of this verb exist: ‘uppu/ippu’ and ‘ul’. Here we are using the second form ‘ul’. We have learned how to conjugate the verb ‘ul’ in Simple Present Tense in the lesson 4. Let’s try it again:

yAn ullae – I am
I ulla – You are
Aye/imbe ulle – He is
Al/mOlu  ullal – She is
au/undu  uNDu – It is
nama/enkulu  ulla – We are
Ir/nikulu  ullar – You are
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr uller – They are
undekulu/aikulu ulla – They are

Now, let us see what we should do with the main verb (going). In English, we have added suffix ‘ing’ to the verb ‘go’. In Tulu, we have to add suffix ‘ondu’ to the root verb.

Go + ing >>> Going
pO + ondu >>> pOvondu

I am going >>> yAn pOvondu ullae (Kannada: nAnu hOgtA iddEne)

Easy, isn’t it?

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yAn pOvondullae – I am going
I pOvondulla – You are going
Aye/imbe pOvondulle – He is going
Al/mOlu  pOvondullal – She is going
au/undu  pOvonduNDu – It is going
nama/enkulu  pOvondulla – We are going
Ir/nikulu  pOvondullar – You are going
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr pOvonduller – They are going
undekulu/aikulu pOvondulla – They are going

One thing you have to remember that the suffix 'ondu' is actually added to simple past verb stem (same like reflexive verbs), but in currently spoken Tulu, it is directly added to the root verb except 'pu' ending verbs. So, when adding the suffix ‘ondu’ to a 'pu' ending root verb, the ‘p’ sound changes to ‘t'. Also, to 'N' ending nouns either you can add the suffix 'ondu' directly to the root verb or add it to the simple past verb stem. Both the forms are used. 


malpu (malpuni) – To do

malpu + ondu >>> maltondu - doing

maltondu ullae – I am doing (Kannada: nAnu mADtA iddEne)

yAn maltondullae – I am doing
I maltondulla – You are doing
Aye/imbe maltondulle – He is doing
Al/mOlu  maltondullal – She is doing
au/undu  maltonduNDu – It is doing
nama/enkulu  maltondulla – We are doing
Ir/nikulu  maltondullar – You are doing
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr maltonduller – They are doing
undekulu/aikulu maltondulla – They are doing

kalpu (kalpuni) – To learn

kalpu + ondu >>> kaltondu – learning

kaltondu ullae – I am learning (Kannada: nAnu kalitA iddEne)

yAn kaltondullae – I am learning
I kaltondulla – You are learning
Aye/imbe kaltondulle – He is learning
Al/mOlu  kaltondullal – She is learning
au/undu  kaltonduNDu – It is learning
nama/enkulu  kaltondulla – We are learning
Ir/nikulu  kaltondullar – You are learning
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr kaltonduller – They are learning
undekulu/aikulu kaltondulla – They are learning

Let’s see more examples:

par (parpini) – To drink

par + ondu >>> parondu - drinking

yAn parondullae – I am drinking
I parondulla – You are drinking
Aye/imbe parondulle – He is drinking
Al/mOlu  parondullal – She is drinking
au/undu  paronduNDu – It is drinking
nama/enkulu  parondulla – We are drinking
Ir/nikulu  parondullar – You are drinking
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr paronduller – They are drinking
undekulu/aikulu parondulla – They are drinking

tin (tinpini) – To eat

tin + ondu >>> tinondu ('tiNDondu' also used) – eating

yAn tinondullae – I am eating
I tinondulla – You are eating
Aye/imbe tinondulle – He is eating
Al/mOlu  tinondullal – She is eating
au/undu  tinonduNDu – It is eating
nama/enkulu  tinondulla – We are eating
Ir/nikulu  tinondullar – You are eating
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr tinonduller – They are eating
undekulu/aikulu tinondulla – They are eating

bar (barpini) – To come

bar + ondu >>> barondu ('battondu' also used) – coming

yAn barondullae – I am coming
I barondulla – You are coming
Aye/imbe barondulle – He is coming
Al/mOlu  barondullal – She is coming
au/undu  baronduNDu – It is coming
nama/enkulu  barondulla – We are coming
Ir/nikulu  barondullar – You are coming
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr baronduller – They are coming
undekulu/aikulu barondulla – They are coming

rA (rApini) – To fly

rA + ondu >>> rAvondu – flying 

yAn rAvondullae – I am flying
I rAvondulla – You are flying
Aye/imbe rAvondulle – He is flying
Al/mOlu  rAvondullal – She is flying
au/undu  rAvonduNDu – It is flying
nama/enkulu  rAvondulla – We are flying
Ir/nikulu  rAvondullar – You are flying
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr rAvonduller – They are flying
undekulu/aikulu rAvondulla – They are flying

malpA (malpAvuni) – cause to do/have someone do

malpA + ondu >>> malpAvondu – having someone do

yAn malpAvondullae – I am having someone do
I malpAvondulla – You are having someone do
Aye/imbe malpAvondulle – He is having someone do
Al/mOlu  malpAvondullal – She is having someone do
au/undu  malpAvonduNDu – It is having someone do
nama/enkulu  malpAvondulla – We are having someone do
Ir/nikulu  malpAvondullar – You are having someone do
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr malpAvonduller – They are having someone do
undekulu/aikulu malpAvondulla – They are having someone do

Example Sentences:

Tulu: yAn TV tUvondullae
English: I am watching TV
Kannada: nAnu TV nODtA iddEne

Tulu: Ir ittae tulu kaltondullar
English: You are learning Tulu now
Kannada: nIvu Iga tuLu kalitA iddIra

Tulu: I dAda maltondulla?
English: What are you doing?
Kannada: nInu Enu mADtiddIya?

Tulu: enk nidrae baronduNDu
English: I am feeling sleepy
Kannada: nanage nidde bartA ide

Tulu: enk tarae bEne AvonduNDu
English: I am having head ache 
English: nanage tale nOvu AgtA ide

Tulu: Aye uNondulle
English: He is having lunch/dinner
Kannada: avanu UTa mADtA iddAne

Tulu: akulu kabaDDi gobbonduller
English: They are playing Kabaddi
Kannada: avaru kabaDDi ADtA iddAre

Tulu: enkulu kuNTu ardondulla
English: We are washing the clothes
Kannada: nAvu baTTe ogitA iddEve

Tulu: barsa baronduNDu
English: It is raning
Kannada: maLe bartA ide

In Tulu Present Continuous tense is also used for Present Perfect Continuous.


Tulu: yAn mulpa mUji varsoDdinchi (varsoDd + inchi) bElae maltondullae
English: I have been working here for 3 years.
Kannada: nAnu illi mUru varshadinda kelasa mADtA iddEne

Tulu: Al kANDeDdinchi ninan kAtondullal
English: She has been waiting for you from the morning.
Kannada: avaLu beLiggeyinda ninnannu kAytA iddALe

Tulu: nAl dinaDdinchi barsa baronduNDu
English: It has been raining for 4 days
Kannada: nAlku dinadinda maLe bartA ide.

Tulu: I raDD tingoluDdinchi tulu kaltondulla
English: You have been learning Tulu for 2 months
Kannada: nInu eraDu tingaLinda tuLu kalitA iddIya

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I hope you enjoyed the lesson! If you need more sentences translated in Tulu, please leave a comment. If you find this lesson helpful, please share it with your friends who wish to learn Tulu J

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Saturday 7 May 2016

Tulu Lesson 15: Negative and Interrogative in Present Perfect Tense

Hello All! Welcome back!

How was the last lesson? I hope you had no problem with that. Please comment, if you need any help. Today we are going to learn negative and interrogative form of sentences in Present Perfect Tense.

You already know to make verb stems in Present Perfect Tense. If not, please read the lesson 14 again. To make it negative just change the personal endings.

Personal endings for negative form of sentences in Present Perfect Tense are same as Simple Past.

Example: pO
Example: pO
First Person
Second Person
Third Person

Note: You may see some people use ‘iji’ ending for first person singular, ‘yAn pOtiji’ instead of ‘yAn pOtijae’ though grammatically it is wrong.

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Let us see some examples:

malpu (malpuni) – To do/make

Present Perfect verb stem + personal ending

 malt’d + ijae >>> malt’dijae – I have not done (Kannada: nAnu mADilla)

yAn malt’dijae – I have not done
I malt’dija – You have not done
Aye/imbe malt’dije – He has not done
Al/mOlu malt’dijal – She has not done
au/undu malt’diji – It has not done
nama/enkulu malt’dija – We have not done
Ir/nikulu malt’dijar – You have not done
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr malt’dijer – They have not done
undekulu/aikulu malt’dija – They have not done

kalpu (kalpuni) – To learn

kalt’d + ijae >>> kalt’dijae – I have not leaned (Kannada: nAnu kalitilla)

yAn kalt’dijae – I have not learned
I kalt’dija – You have not learned
Aye/imbe kalt’dije – He has not learned
Al/mOlu kalt’dijal – She has not learned
au/undu kalt’diji – It has not learned
nama/enkulu kalt’dija – We have not learned
Ir/nikulu kalt’dijar – You have not learned
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr kalt’dijer – They have not learned
undekulu/aikulu kalt’dija – They have not learned

kEN (kENuni) -  To hear/ask

kEND’d >>> kEnd

kEnd + ijae >>> kEndijae – I have not heard/asked (Kannada: nAnu kELilla)

yAn kEndijae – I have not asked/heard
I kEndija – You have not asked/heard
Aye/imbe kEndije – He has not asked/heard
Al/mOlu kEndijal – She has not asked/heard
au/undu kEndiji – It has not asked/heard
nama/enkulu kEndija – We have not asked/heard
Ir/nikulu kEndijar – You have not asked/heard
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr kEndijer – They have not asked/heard
undekulu/aikulu kEndija – They have not asked/heard

tiN (tiNpini) – To eat

tiND’d >>> tind

tind + ijae >>> tintijae – I have not eaten (Kannada: nAnu tindilla)

yAn tintijae – I have not eaten
I tintija – You have not eaten
Aye/imbe tintije – He has not eaten
Al/mOlu tintijal – She has not eaten
au/undu tintiji – It has not eaten
nama/enkulu tintija – We have not eaten
Ir/nikulu tintijar – You have not eaten
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr tintijer – They have not eaten
undekulu/aikulu tintija – They have not eaten

bUr (bUruni)  – To fall

bUrd + ijae >>> bUrdijae – I have not fallen (Kannada: nAnu biddilla)

yAn bUrdijae – I have not fallen
I bUrdija – You have not fallen
Aye/imbe bUrdije – He has not fallen
Al/mOlu bUrdijal – She has not fallen
au/undu bUrdiji – It has not fallen
nama/enkulu bUrdija – We have not fallen
Ir/nikulu bUrdijar – You have not fallen
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr bUrdijer – They have not fallen
undekulu/aikulu bUrdija – They have not fallen

tU (tUpini) – To see

tUd + ijae >>> tUtijae – I have not seen (Kannada: nAnu nODilla)

yAn tUtijae – I have not seen
I tUtija – You have not seen
Aye/imbe tUtije – He has not seen
Al/mOlu tUtijal – She has not seen
au/undu tUtiji – It has not seen
nama/enkulu tUtija – We have not seen
Ir/nikulu tUtijar – You have not seen
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr tUtijer – They have not seen
undekulu/aikulu tUtija – They have not seen

bar (barpini) - To come

batt’d + ijae >>> batt’dijae >>> baidijae – I have not come (Kannada: nAnu bandilla)

yAn baidijae – I have not come
I baidija – You have not come
Aye/imbe baidije – He has not come
Al/mOlu baidijal – She has not come
au/undu baidiji – It has not come
nama/enkulu baidija – We have not come
Ir/nikulu baidijar – You have not come
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr baidijer – They have not come
undekulu/aikulu baidija – They have not come

leppu (leppuni) – To call

lett’d + ijae >>> lett’dijae >>> leidijae – I have not called (Kannada: nAnu karedilla)

yAn leidijae – I have not called
I leidija – You have not called
Aye/imbe leidije – He has not called
Al/mOlu leidijal – She has not called
au/undu leidiji – It has not called
nama/enkulu leidija – We have not called
Ir/nikulu leidijar – You have not called
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr leidijer – They have not called
undekulu/aikulu leidija – They have not called

deppu (deppuni) – To remove/open

dett’d + ijae >>> dett’dijae >>> deidijae – I have not removed/taken (Kannada: nAnu tegedilla)

yAn deidijae – I have not removed/taken
I deidija – You have not removed/taken
Aye/imbe deidije – He has not removed/taken
Al/mOlu deidijal – She has not removed/taken
au/undu deidiji – It has not removed/taken
nama/enkulu deidija – We have not removed/taken
Ir/nikulu deidijar – You have not removed/taken
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr deidijer – They have not removed/taken
undekulu/aikulu deidija – They have not removed/taken

dettoNu (dettoNuni) - To take for oneself/To accept

dettoND’d >>> dettond

dettond + ijae >>> dettondijae – I have not taken for myself (Kannada: nAnu tegedukoNDilla)

yAn dettondijae – I have not taken (for myself)
I dettondija – You have not taken (for myself)
Aye/imbe dettondije – He has not taken (for myself)
Al/mOlu dettondijal – She has not taken (for myself)
au/undu dettondiji – It has not taken (for myself)
nama/enkulu dettondija – We have not taken (for myself)
Ir/nikulu dettondijar – You have not taken (for myself)
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr dettondijer – They have not taken (for myself)
undekulu/aikulu dettondija – They have not taken (for myself)

Example sentences:

Tulu: yAn orala bombaig pOtijae
English: I have never been to Mumbai
Kannada: nAnu ommeyU mumbaige hOgilla

Tulu: Aye nanala untije
English: He has not had lunch yet
Kannada: avanu innU UTa mADilla

Tulu: Al baidijal
English: She has not come
Kannada: avaLu bandilla

Tulu: I eNDa dAla pantija
English: You have not told me anything
Kannada: nInu nanalli EnU hELilla

Tulu: au Eregla dAla upadra malt'diji
English: It has not done any trouble to anyone
Kannada: adu yArigU EnU tondare koTTillla

Tulu: nama dAla tappu malt'dija
English: We have not done anything wrong
Kannada: nAvu EnU tappu mADilla

Tulu: nikulu enan leidijar
English: You have not called me
Kannada: nIvu nannannu karedilla

Tulu: akulu nanala tulu kalt'dijer
English: They have not learned Tulu yet
Kannada: avaru innU tuLu kalitilla

Tulu: I jOkulu ini sAleg pOtija
English: These children have not gone to school today
Kannada: I makkaLu ivattu shAlege hOgilla

We already know how to make the interrogative form of sentences. We have to add  ‘a’ or ‘na’ at the end. When speaking with elders/strangers with respect, you can add ‘e’ or ‘ne’ instead of ‘a’ or ‘na’ at the end.

Tulu: I untana?/ I onas malt'dana?
English: Have you had lunch/dinner yet?
Kannada: nInu  UTa mADiddIya?

Tulu: Ir untare?/ Ir onas malt'dare? (giving respect to the listner)
English: Have you had lunch/dinner yet?
Kannada: nIvu  UTa mADiddIra?

Tulu: nanala untijana?
English: Haven't you had lunch yet?
Kannada: nInu innU UTa mADilva?

Tulu: yAn niNDa suruve pantijena?
English: Haven't I told you before?
Kannada: nAnu ninage modale hELilva?

Tulu: Aye nikk tikk'dena?
English: Has he met you?
Kannada: avanu ninage sikkiddAna?

Tulu: Aye ireg tikk'dene? (giving respect to the listner)
English: Has he met you?
Kannada: avanu nimage sikkiddAna?

Tulu: Al padya pantala?
English: Has she sung a song?
Kannada: avaLu hADu hADiddALa?

Tulu: bas nanala baidija?
English: Has bus not come yet?
Kannada: bassu innU bandilva?

Tulu: nikulu parIkshae baretara?
English: Have you (pluaral) written exam?
Kannada: nIvu parIkshae barediddIra?

Tulu: akulu suden kaDat’dera?
English: Have they crossed the river?
Kannada: avaru nadi dATiddAra?

Tulu: bAle jeid’NDa?
English: Has the kid slept.
Kannada: magu malagideya?

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That’s all for the day! If you need more sentences translated to Tulu, please leave a comment. If you find this lesson helpful, please share it with your friends who want to learn Tulu.

See you next week!
