Friday 13 May 2016

Tulu Lesson 16: Present Continuous Tense

Hello All! Welcome back!

Today we are going to learn one more tense in Tulu. This tense is Present Continuous Tense. Look at the following example:

‘I am going’

As you see, we use ‘To be’ plus the ‘ing’ form of verbs to express Present Continuous in English. That is to say, we have Subject + am/is/are + main verb + ing.

In Tulu, the sentence structure would be Subject + main verb + am/is/are

We already know the auxiliary verb ‘to be’ in Tulu - ‘ippu/uppu’ (Infinitive: ippuni/uppuni – To be). There are two forms of this verb exist: ‘uppu/ippu’ and ‘ul’. Here we are using the second form ‘ul’. We have learned how to conjugate the verb ‘ul’ in Simple Present Tense in the lesson 4. Let’s try it again:

yAn ullae – I am
I ulla – You are
Aye/imbe ulle – He is
Al/mOlu  ullal – She is
au/undu  uNDu – It is
nama/enkulu  ulla – We are
Ir/nikulu  ullar – You are
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr uller – They are
undekulu/aikulu ulla – They are

Now, let us see what we should do with the main verb (going). In English, we have added suffix ‘ing’ to the verb ‘go’. In Tulu, we have to add suffix ‘ondu’ to the root verb.

Go + ing >>> Going
pO + ondu >>> pOvondu

I am going >>> yAn pOvondu ullae (Kannada: nAnu hOgtA iddEne)

Easy, isn’t it?

Learn tulu

yAn pOvondullae – I am going
I pOvondulla – You are going
Aye/imbe pOvondulle – He is going
Al/mOlu  pOvondullal – She is going
au/undu  pOvonduNDu – It is going
nama/enkulu  pOvondulla – We are going
Ir/nikulu  pOvondullar – You are going
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr pOvonduller – They are going
undekulu/aikulu pOvondulla – They are going

One thing you have to remember that the suffix 'ondu' is actually added to simple past verb stem (same like reflexive verbs), but in currently spoken Tulu, it is directly added to the root verb except 'pu' ending verbs. So, when adding the suffix ‘ondu’ to a 'pu' ending root verb, the ‘p’ sound changes to ‘t'. Also, to 'N' ending nouns either you can add the suffix 'ondu' directly to the root verb or add it to the simple past verb stem. Both the forms are used. 


malpu (malpuni) – To do

malpu + ondu >>> maltondu - doing

maltondu ullae – I am doing (Kannada: nAnu mADtA iddEne)

yAn maltondullae – I am doing
I maltondulla – You are doing
Aye/imbe maltondulle – He is doing
Al/mOlu  maltondullal – She is doing
au/undu  maltonduNDu – It is doing
nama/enkulu  maltondulla – We are doing
Ir/nikulu  maltondullar – You are doing
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr maltonduller – They are doing
undekulu/aikulu maltondulla – They are doing

kalpu (kalpuni) – To learn

kalpu + ondu >>> kaltondu – learning

kaltondu ullae – I am learning (Kannada: nAnu kalitA iddEne)

yAn kaltondullae – I am learning
I kaltondulla – You are learning
Aye/imbe kaltondulle – He is learning
Al/mOlu  kaltondullal – She is learning
au/undu  kaltonduNDu – It is learning
nama/enkulu  kaltondulla – We are learning
Ir/nikulu  kaltondullar – You are learning
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr kaltonduller – They are learning
undekulu/aikulu kaltondulla – They are learning

Let’s see more examples:

par (parpini) – To drink

par + ondu >>> parondu - drinking

yAn parondullae – I am drinking
I parondulla – You are drinking
Aye/imbe parondulle – He is drinking
Al/mOlu  parondullal – She is drinking
au/undu  paronduNDu – It is drinking
nama/enkulu  parondulla – We are drinking
Ir/nikulu  parondullar – You are drinking
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr paronduller – They are drinking
undekulu/aikulu parondulla – They are drinking

tin (tinpini) – To eat

tin + ondu >>> tinondu ('tiNDondu' also used) – eating

yAn tinondullae – I am eating
I tinondulla – You are eating
Aye/imbe tinondulle – He is eating
Al/mOlu  tinondullal – She is eating
au/undu  tinonduNDu – It is eating
nama/enkulu  tinondulla – We are eating
Ir/nikulu  tinondullar – You are eating
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr tinonduller – They are eating
undekulu/aikulu tinondulla – They are eating

bar (barpini) – To come

bar + ondu >>> barondu ('battondu' also used) – coming

yAn barondullae – I am coming
I barondulla – You are coming
Aye/imbe barondulle – He is coming
Al/mOlu  barondullal – She is coming
au/undu  baronduNDu – It is coming
nama/enkulu  barondulla – We are coming
Ir/nikulu  barondullar – You are coming
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr baronduller – They are coming
undekulu/aikulu barondulla – They are coming

rA (rApini) – To fly

rA + ondu >>> rAvondu – flying 

yAn rAvondullae – I am flying
I rAvondulla – You are flying
Aye/imbe rAvondulle – He is flying
Al/mOlu  rAvondullal – She is flying
au/undu  rAvonduNDu – It is flying
nama/enkulu  rAvondulla – We are flying
Ir/nikulu  rAvondullar – You are flying
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr rAvonduller – They are flying
undekulu/aikulu rAvondulla – They are flying

malpA (malpAvuni) – cause to do/have someone do

malpA + ondu >>> malpAvondu – having someone do

yAn malpAvondullae – I am having someone do
I malpAvondulla – You are having someone do
Aye/imbe malpAvondulle – He is having someone do
Al/mOlu  malpAvondullal – She is having someone do
au/undu  malpAvonduNDu – It is having someone do
nama/enkulu  malpAvondulla – We are having someone do
Ir/nikulu  malpAvondullar – You are having someone do
akulu/mokulu/Ar/mEr malpAvonduller – They are having someone do
undekulu/aikulu malpAvondulla – They are having someone do

Example Sentences:

Tulu: yAn TV tUvondullae
English: I am watching TV
Kannada: nAnu TV nODtA iddEne

Tulu: Ir ittae tulu kaltondullar
English: You are learning Tulu now
Kannada: nIvu Iga tuLu kalitA iddIra

Tulu: I dAda maltondulla?
English: What are you doing?
Kannada: nInu Enu mADtiddIya?

Tulu: enk nidrae baronduNDu
English: I am feeling sleepy
Kannada: nanage nidde bartA ide

Tulu: enk tarae bEne AvonduNDu
English: I am having head ache 
English: nanage tale nOvu AgtA ide

Tulu: Aye uNondulle
English: He is having lunch/dinner
Kannada: avanu UTa mADtA iddAne

Tulu: akulu kabaDDi gobbonduller
English: They are playing Kabaddi
Kannada: avaru kabaDDi ADtA iddAre

Tulu: enkulu kuNTu ardondulla
English: We are washing the clothes
Kannada: nAvu baTTe ogitA iddEve

Tulu: barsa baronduNDu
English: It is raning
Kannada: maLe bartA ide

In Tulu Present Continuous tense is also used for Present Perfect Continuous.


Tulu: yAn mulpa mUji varsoDdinchi (varsoDd + inchi) bElae maltondullae
English: I have been working here for 3 years.
Kannada: nAnu illi mUru varshadinda kelasa mADtA iddEne

Tulu: Al kANDeDdinchi ninan kAtondullal
English: She has been waiting for you from the morning.
Kannada: avaLu beLiggeyinda ninnannu kAytA iddALe

Tulu: nAl dinaDdinchi barsa baronduNDu
English: It has been raining for 4 days
Kannada: nAlku dinadinda maLe bartA ide.

Tulu: I raDD tingoluDdinchi tulu kaltondulla
English: You have been learning Tulu for 2 months
Kannada: nInu eraDu tingaLinda tuLu kalitA iddIya

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I hope you enjoyed the lesson! If you need more sentences translated in Tulu, please leave a comment. If you find this lesson helpful, please share it with your friends who wish to learn Tulu J

See you next week!


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